Our inaugural blog post, is the official “Hello World” message from Marquelink (pronounced /mɑːrk/ – /lɪŋk/) to all of you!
Our mission is to create & offer, a diverse – easy to use – technology toolset, for the producers of branded (marque = brand) Consumer Packaged Goods – Services, in order to establish a direct & interactive link with the buyers & consumers of their products.
For our first publication we’ve decided to focus on an extremely dynamic & exciting sector of CPG production – Wine Making. Furthermore, we’re focusing on Greek wineries, to honor the birthplace of Marquelink.
Today’s social & economic environment, is rapidly predominantly characterized by digital experiences, both for individuals, as well as for businesses. The shattering changes brought by the advent of the COVID19 pandemic, inevitably tip the scales in favor of digital interactions and digital strategies. This is not a new trend – it has simply accelerated tremendously, since the beginning of 2020. At Marquelink we’ve long been firm believers of the following motto:
There’s no Digital Strategy
Just Strategy for a Digital World!
Starting from today, we aspire to add a crucial element, in the creation of successful Digital Strategies for Greek Winemakers (we’ve got more coming soon for the rest of you!!!)
During the last few months, our team has started a detailed mapping of what we call the “Digital Fingerprint” of Greek Wine Makers. It’s an ongoing process, since this is a dynamic and ever-changing environment.
We present the initial findings of this research today. From now on we’ll be making the updated data available on a weekly basis.
The data included in this post, are based on a sample of 132 Greek Wineries. You can see the complete list of wineries here.

Digital presence & social media – Digital Communication Channels
With regards to the Digital & Social Media Presence of Greek Wine Makers, the original analysis took place during May & June 2020 for the aforementioned 132 Wineries. The results of this analysis are as follows:

We decided to focus our ongoing research to the 3 channels with the highest penetration, namely Vivino, Facebook and Instagram.
Vivino is a global wine community, which captures actual market trends, through the product reviews posted by actual buyers / consumers.
The Greek online Wine market
Greek online stores, selling Wines exceed 70 in the popular skroutz.gr aggregator.

Greek Wineries – The Digital leaders
Based on our ongoing analysis, we have created an extended data base of information regarding the digital performance of Greek Wineries. So let’s take a look at the digital leaders:
Corporate Facebook pages with the most followers, and the change measured, during the last week:

If we focus on the acquisition of new followers, the top 10 changes, as follows (Followers Rank refers to the winery’s rank based on the total number of followers in FB):

Corporate pages in Instagram – total number of followers and the change recorded during last week:

And now the top 10 Instagram corporate pages according to new followers’ acquisition (Followers Rank refers to the winery’s rank based on the total number of Instagram followers):

Let’s also take a look at the top-10 based on new posts activity (Followers Rank refers to the winery’s rank based on the total number of Instagram followers):

An important metric, showcasing real life traction of a winery is the number of reviews in Vivino. Let’s see the top 10 of Greek wineries, according to the total number of reviews – also reporting the number of new reviews during the last week.

Let’s also take a look at the 10 leaders based on new reviews, during the last week (Reviews Rank refers to the rank of the winery, based on the total number of reviews in Vivino):

Get all the information in your email!
The information presented here, is a small subset of the data set available in the Marquelink platform.
You can gain access to the most up to date information, for the top 20 of the “Greek Wineries Digital Fingerprint” simply by registering to receive it weekly!
So what do i do with all this information;
We know very well, that simply listing a bunch of numbers, across tables, is the best recipe to waste time and the fastest way to a … headache 😉
Let us then propose, a few ways to really put the information contained in our research, to good use. If you’d like to learn more about the complete feature set of the Marquelink platform, we’d be delighted to hear from you and schedule a proper meeting.